Friday, April 29, 2011

Ready for Facebook?

Today we'll explore the social networking site Facebook. There are lots of reasons to sign up just as there are lots of reasons not to. We'll try to get to them all! (But you'll probably think of more!)

Here is a link to one tutorial I found online from a Social Networking Series - A Basic Introduction for Nonprofit Use Facebook Tutorial  It's a PDF file, but should open in a browser window. (You know how we techie teachers throw around the word should!)

There are links to tutorials built right into Facebook too, but sometimes they can be, well, too technical!
So, here we go...the chocolate bag is open and the computers are running...what more could we need?

Friday, April 15, 2011


Or, if research sounds too hard, then - Play time.
This is how the kids being on the computer hour after hour and learning by default. (There are lots of discussions to have about this and we can have one or two of them, but for now we're just going to go with it.)

One site that we can explore is this one - TIME magazine's 50 Best Websites page.

Monday, April 4, 2011

How are we doing?

We're two weeks in and I want to know how you're all feeling about things. In all classes there is a spectrum of skill and comfort levels when learning about the internet - and all it has to offer. Think of this class as a "lab", where you can come in and experiment with some facilitation. Even though it's an eight-week class, that's really not enough time to cover everything, so we'll cover a smorgasbord of things...things you've indicated that you'd like to learn more about.

Another thing I read in the surveys is that most of you would just like to become more comfortable using the internet- and your computers. Again, hopefully that's what this class will do for you. If you don't have a Facebook page and a Blogger account by the end of class, don't worry! Not everyone will. But if you stick it out and gain a little more confidence about what you want to do and have a little more information about how to do it, then you'll be successful!

As always, if you're having some difficulties or any questions that you don't feel comfortable asking in front of the class, you can always see me before or after class. And there's always email!

You're all doing a great job! See you on Friday!